Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 23, 2018 Here Comes the Sun! And Technology...

Dome Kyrka. One of the cool churches in Goteborg.

Spring has finally arrived! On Friday we were able to go outside without our coats for the first time, and it felt wonderful. Due to our bright white shirts, we now stand out about as well as someone wearing hunter orange during the deer hunt, and it's definitely a lot easier for people to avoid us... The good news is that with the sun and warmth, people are much more friendly and willing to talk, and it's a lot more enjoyable to be out ourselves, so spring is definitely worth it!

This week our mission officially became a "technology mission"! On Tuesday evening we met at the church as a zone where we each received and set up our own smartphone. On Wednesday, we had our zone conference where we received training on how we can use technology in our proselyting
Äldste Bringhurst using technology!
efforts, and I can't express how excited I am to do so! We are now able to use apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Skype to communicate with investigators, which has already helped us significantly. We have several investigators who are very busy and live about an hour and a half away, so the ability to video chat will help us to maintain contact, teach lessons, or read scripture passages when we are unable to meet in person due to schedules and distances. I have also encountered many people who are unwilling to exchange phone numbers with us, but are more than happy to friend us on Facebook, and communicate over messenger. A prime example of this was on Thursday when we met a group of teenagers, and after telling them a little bit about our message, they asked if we could be friends on Facebook. My first instinct was to say, "Sorry, we're not allowed to use Facebook as missionaries..." but then I remembered that yes, we actually can be friends on Facebook! Later that evening, one of the girls messaged us and said that she had heard about Mormons, but she doesn't really understand what we believe. She said that she is already pretty involved in her own church, so she's not interested in meeting, but she asked if we could tell her a little more over Messenger. The use of technology in missionary work now enables us to teach her, and many more like her, who seek to find answers through means that they are both familiar and comfortable with.

It's been incredible to see the Lord prepare people to hear His gospel and place them in our path. A while ago we met a girl named Gabriella, and had the chance to teach her and her mother about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration. We decided to swing by this week, and when we went by, her mother answered the door and said she wasn't home, so after talking to her mother for a while (who said that Gabriella had started to read the Book of Mormon!), we continued onward to swing by a few others in the area. One of the houses we knocked on was a man named Glen. We had knocked on his door two times before, but the first time they were too busy to meet, and the second time they were all sick, so it wasn't a good time. This time we knocked on the door and started talking to him, but they were heading out the door. As we continued to talk with him in Swedish, we mentioned that we come from the States, and he switched to English and said, "No way! So am I! I actually come from Washington." He was so excited that two Americans had showed up at his door, and as we talked, we discovered that he had grown up baptist, but had never really found a church here in Sweden (he's been here 18 years) that he likes, so he just stopped going. They were headed out the door, so they didn't have much time to talk, but he said that he is actually going to start parental leave for a couple months in two weeks, so he will be home all day and would love for us to come by whenever we have time! We can't wait to teach him, and we pray that the Lord will continue to prepare him to hear our message.

Äldste Sirrine

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2018 Everything The Light Touches...

In case any of you have ever wondered what my area looks like,
here's the great city of Göteborg! Everything the light(or in this case mist...)
touches is our area! (Plus a whole lot more you can't see)

 Today we decided to go through a part of town that dates back to the 1600's for P-day. There were some super cool shops and buildings we enjoyed looking around, and then we saw it: Skansen Kronan. Skansen Kronan is one of the old fortresses which was built in the 1600's on top of a hill that
was used to defend the port of Göteborg. Despite the looming staircase we could see leading up to it, Elder Bringhurst and I looked at each other, and without much discussion, knew that we had to go check it out. I lost count after about 13 stairs, but after a good while we finally reached the top and what was more impressive than the fortress itself was the view of Göteborg. I couldn't resist laying my hand on Elder Bringhurst's shoulder and saying, "Well Elder, everything the light touches is ours..." The truth of the matter is that our area actually includes a lot more that was beyond eyesight, but it was a good start.
Skansen Kronan

If there's one thing I have become convinced of while on my mission, it would probably be the power of fasting. This last Sunday I fasted that we might find a new, prepared investigator, and by the end of Monday we had found just that. As we were walking home from the tram stop, we walked along side a man, approximately in his sixties, and starting talking to him. In his words, "Jesus is the guy!", and he doesn't understand how there can be so many churches that claim to follow Him. Hmmm, that sounds like a question we have an answer to! We were able to show him around the church, which he really liked, and teach him about the Book of Mormon, which testifies of Christ. He has since started reading the Book of Mormon and has texted us that he really likes it, and wants to meet again so we can talk more about its message. Such an encounter is no coincidence, and is truly a manifestation of the power that is promised to us as we fast and pray.

We have been working with a less active guy in our ward, Love (yes that's a common Swedish name, but no it doesn't actually mean love in Swedish), who has a hard time coming to activities because he is quite busy participating in chess tournaments. We decided the best way to get to know him a little
A beautiful part of town called Haga
better was to play chess with him, so we did just that. Or at least we tried... As it turns out, Love is ranked number 5 in the nation for chess, and our skills were slightly less than number 5 in the nation... he pretty much annihilated my entire side of the board with only 3 of his own pieces. The good news? He actually taught us real strategy afterwards, so while I still stand no chance against him until the afterlife, maybe I can actually stand my ground against someone of normal ability now. We also had the chance to share Elder Rasbands talk from October 2017 with Love, in which Elder Rasband says, "Our lives are like a chessboard, and the Lord moves us from one place to another—if we are responsive to spiritual promptings. Looking back, we can see His hand in our lives." I have seen this principle time and time again in my own life, and I know that the Lord truly directs our paths, if we are responsive to spiritual promptings. In this last general conference, President Nelson reminded us that the Lord wants to make his mind known to us. If we seek his guidance, and act courageously on those promptings, we will receive the direction we so greatly need.

Äldste Sirrine

Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 9, 2018 Follow the Prophet, He Knows the Way

One of the ports
One of the cool ships...and... a massive boat prop we found by the coast

This week we had some incredible experiences, among which was an opportunity to serve one of the members, Tyler Smith (who actually comes from LA). He has been renovating his apartment,
Serving Tyler
and had a bunch of scrap wood, concrete, and tile that needed to be carried down 5 flights of stairs and loaded into a trailer to be taken to a recycling center. It was wonderful to have a chance to do some service, and we got a little additional exercise as well, so the Lord was truly smiling upon us.

I absolutely loved general conference, and we were pretty busy this week so we didn't get a chance to watch the last session until Friday. During conference, I had the overwhelming feeling that President Nelson is truly God's prophet on the earth, and the changes that have occurred are truly inspired to help prepare us for the coming of Christ. As we traveled home from the church where we watched the last session, I found myself pondering the words of President Nelson and the message which stood out to me throughout conference; we need to minister, not just teach or share a gospel message. We got off the tram out our usual stop and began walking home when we approached a lady, about in her sixties, walking with three large bags of groceries. I thought of the message of ministering, and was looking for ways to serve people through small and simple means, so we greeted her and asked if we could help, but she quickly informed us that she was strong and didn't need any help. We continued talking to her, and throughout the course of the conversation we found out that she lived on top of the hill next to the square we were in. She
A nice glimpse of nature:)
told us that once you reach the top, there is a beautiful view of the ocean, and immediately the spirit put into my mind the words to say, "Wow! That sounds incredible! Could we help you carry these bags to the top so you can show us the view?" This time she agreed, so we each took a bag and began the trek towards the top. Along the way we had a wonderful conversation, learning a lot about her
family and her religious background as a member in the Swedish church. When we reached the top, we stood for a few minutes taking in the view. Without prompting, she turned to us and said, "I know there must be a God to create something so beautiful as this." We began a gospel discussion with her, teaching her about the Book of Mormon and it's message. As we talked about the Book of Mormon, she stopped us suddenly and told us that she had just gotten shivers, like a chill that ran from head to toe. We were able to testify that such a feeling is the spirit, through which she can learn the truth of all things. We helped her carry the groceries the rest of the way to her house, and once there, she thanked us profusely for our help, adding that she had seriously contemplated whether to take the tram home, but had felt that she should just walk. She said that just because she was capable of doing it alone, that doesn't mean she wanted to, and she
Waterway in town
didn't know if she had the energy to walk up the hill that day. She was overwhelmed with gratitude, and I was overwhelmed with joy. Such an experience has strengthened my testimony of the power that comes from following the words of the prophet. I have tried to offer to carry groceries countless times, but the response is always the same: an uncomfortable Swede who declines the help and seems slightly offended that we think they can't do it themselves. However, by pondering on, and applying the words of the Lord which we heard during conference, we were led by the hand of the Lord and were presented with an incredible opportunity to help and bless one of God's beloved daughters.

Äldste Sirrine    
We found a Tesla dealership...
naturally we had to check it out.

April 2, 2018 Volvos, Audis, and Bikes, Oh My!

One of the wonderful cultural customs in Sweden that has recently come to my attention this week is the validity of bicycles as a legitimate mode of transportation. Sweden is incredibly bike friendly,
Apparently bicycles are a big deal
with bike paths literally everywhere, and the right of way belonging to them. If there is one sure way to anger a Swede, it would probably be by walking in the designated bike lane of the sidewalk... As we were walking through a parking lot this week my eyes were met by the usual, European-style cars made by Volvo, Audi, and occasionally Peugot, when suddenly we came upon a bike taking up an entire parking stall... I believe it was at this moment that I realized just how big a role the bicycle plays here.

Well, after dropping Elder Harden off at the train station early Monday morning, I was left with the zone leaders until I got my new companion Wednesday evening. Hanging with the zone leaders definitely has it's advantages, mainly a car, that allowed us to explore the coast a little bit on P-day. We wandered around a little bit, enjoying the beauty, and marveling at the creations of God. One of the zone leaders, Elder Carter, was transferring to Växjö, so after spending some time by the water we drove into town and visited a few places he wanted to see before he left, making it one of the most eventful P-days I've had.

Wednesday was absolutely chaotic. As Gothenburg is the second biggest city in Sweden, many of the missionaries in neighboring areas who transfer end up traveling through it. As a result, we woke up at 4:30 am so we could help all the missionaries get to the train station and transfer our, worked all day, and then helped all the new missionaries who arrived at 6:30 that evening. Among the new
A cool statue in town
missionaries who arrived was my new companion, Elder Bringhurst, and I cannot adequately describe how excited we are to be together. Elder Bringhurst is from Pocatello Idaho, which is actually a lot more beneficial than you might think. Swedes consume an amazing amount of potatoes, and you wouldn't believe how excited they are when they find out that he's from the land of potatoes... Elder Bringhurst transferred here from Umeå, which is up North, so he's definitely enjoying the warmer weather, seeing as how the snow in Umeå was still waist high when he left. One of the things I am most grateful for is his willingness and ability to speak Swedish with me. Elder Harden and I decided at the beginning of last transfer that we would only ever speak Swedish with one another, which has helped my language ability immensely, and Elder Bringhurst has been completely willing and excited to continue the tradition. He only has four months left of his mission, so it's truly an incredible opportunity to learn from his experience in both the language and the work.

What a blessing it has been to here from living prophets and apostles this last week. We were able to watch the Saturday Morning session live (at 6 pm for us) on Saturday with some members. We were able to watch the Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Morning sessions on Sunday at the institute center with the YSA, which was an incredible opportunity to feel the spirit and strength of the rising generation as they gathered to here the voice of the Lord. We have not had the opportunity to view the Sunday Afternoon session yet, and will do that some time throughout the week. My mind was impressed by the scripture D&C 1:38 which says, "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." This conference we have witnessed not only the calling of a new prophet, but also the Lord speaking to us and making His will made known through him. I testify that Russell M. Nelson is the Lord's prophet, the watchman on the tower, on earth at this time. If we heed his warnings and follow his counsel, we will find the joy, happiness, and blessings the Lord desires to bestow upon us.

Äldste Sirrine

P-Day at the coast