Saying goodbye to members...
Amrita and Johan Persson |
Karwo, Younus, and Yosef |
This last week has once again deepened my testimony of the power of fasting. On the first Sunday of this month I fasted for help in finding new investigators, and it was only a matter of hours before I received the help and answers I was searching for. That very same evening, we went to contact a referral that we had received from a member, and were pleasantly surprised when there was no port-code on the building so we could knock directly on his apartment door. When no one answered, we decided that we might as well tract the area, which we had never been to before. We had knocked about 15 doors without success when suddenly an old investigator, Hamid, opened the door. I was absolutely shocked to be standing face to face with him after about 3 months of no contact, and he seemed just as surprised and happy to let us in. We were able to catch up with him, and in the course of our conversation we discovered that he had moved to the apartment just two days before. We set up a return appointment with him, and have since had the opportunity to teach him again. While Hamid may not be a "new investigator" by traditional standards, we are now able to meet him regularly, he is once again making progress, and I consider it an absolute miraculous answer to fasting and prayer.
Nina and Sarah |
Our experience trying to activate the lights is similar to the way we receive blessings. In D&C 130:20-21 it says, "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of the world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to the law upon which it is predicated." When we entered that apartment building, the lights were activated by sound, nothing we could do would change that, just as nothing we do can change the laws of God. Regardless of whether or not we believe in God, we will receive the blessings that come from adhering to His laws. Someone who has absolutely no belief in God will still be blessed for keeping the Word of Wisdom or Law of Chastity, just as we were able to activate the lights at times without knowing they were sound activated. However, The knowledge of the gospel is like the knowledge that the lights are activated by sound. When we know and accept the gospel, we know exactly what we need to do to receive blessings. No longer do blessings seem to come at random, and we are spared the efforts of "frantically waving in the dark" in search of blessings. God doesn't give us commandments to limit or restrict us, he gives us commandments so that he might more richly bless us. If we desire any blessing in our life, we must first search the words of the scriptures and prophets to know what we must do (we need to understand how that particular blessing is "activated"), and then we must act in faith, believing that when we do as the scriptures instruct, we will receive the blessings promised.
Äldste Sirrine