Valborg! |
The meeting on Sunday evening was absolutely incredible and exactly what we needed to hear. Elder Renlund actually grew up here in Göteborg (we were hoping he'd come visit his home town, but he
Göteborg |
Äldste Bringhurst and I |
unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things. Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?" (D&C 6:22-23) When Oliver Cowdery had a question, the Lord counseled him to reflect and rely on the witness that he had already received. Once we receive an answer, we should not longer doubt or question, but rather move forward with faith and act in accordance.
The meeting Elder Renlund had with the missionaries on Monday morning was even better. It was incredible to receive instruction from an apostle of the Lord regarding our mission. As one who has both lived and served in Sweden, he is well acquainted with the challenges we face, and was able to give us exactly the counsel we need.
Monday was also the Swedish holiday of Valborg! The tradition is to "burn away winter", so they gather a bunch of dead-fall from the forest and make massive bonfires. (Now that's spring cleaning done the right way...) We met with the YSA at one of the parks, had some food, and watched them light the fire. Naturally it was also pouring rain, so we were absolutely soaked, but this didn't deter them from lighting the fire anyways. It was probably the closest thing I'll ever see to Elijah calling down fire on the altar soaked with water...
Äldste Sirrine
The meeting Elder Renlund had with the missionaries on Monday morning was even better. It was incredible to receive instruction from an apostle of the Lord regarding our mission. As one who has both lived and served in Sweden, he is well acquainted with the challenges we face, and was able to give us exactly the counsel we need.
Monday was also the Swedish holiday of Valborg! The tradition is to "burn away winter", so they gather a bunch of dead-fall from the forest and make massive bonfires. (Now that's spring cleaning done the right way...) We met with the YSA at one of the parks, had some food, and watched them light the fire. Naturally it was also pouring rain, so we were absolutely soaked, but this didn't deter them from lighting the fire anyways. It was probably the closest thing I'll ever see to Elijah calling down fire on the altar soaked with water...
Äldste Sirrine