Saturday, June 23, 2018

June 18, 2018 It's an Elder!

The view from one of our member's apartment... 
They live on the 16th floor, right above Central Station in the heart of Stockholm.

I found out this past week that I'll be training a new elder these next two transfers! He will be one of three new missionaries coming into the mission this transfer, and I'll pick him up on Wednesday. We had a meeting last Thursday for the three of us who will be training new missionaries, and it was the first time this meeting has ever been held over Skype. Normally, all the missionaries travel into
On Thursday, the missionaries in the 
Stockholm and Stockholm South Zones 
planted  3500 flowers at the temple!
Stockholm to receive such training, but in order to save time and money our mission president decided to start doing it over Skype. God has one purpose, "To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39), and this was just one example of how the Lord has given us technology to further his work and achieve His purpose. The other two trainers, Elder Jarman and Elder Steele, are both currently serving in Norrland (northern Sweden) so both would have had to take a plan to Stockholm in order to attend the training. Being able to hold the training over Skype enabled them to stay in their areas, and gave them more time to proselyte and serve others there. In addition to this training, starting this transfer, all of our weekly district meetings will be held over Skype as well. This change will significantly impact the mission, as many companionships had to travel an hour or more each way to attend such meetings.

This last week I went on splits twice, one of them being with the office elders, in the mission office. As part of the work that day, we went through and organized records in the attic of the office, and we
While in the office on splits,  we had to unload
 a crate of boxes containing copies of the Book 
of Mormon. Unfortunately, it had gotten wet in
transport, so we were tasked with drying them.
 I never thought I would use a blow dryer on a 
Book of Mormon...
found some pretty interesting records that went back quite a ways. The church in Sweden has a long history itself, and the mission here was established in 1905, so there were many records to accompany such a rich history. One of the interesting records I found was actually a letter from 1963 announcing the addition of Thomas S. Monson to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I was informed by Elder Lee that the oldest record he's seen in the office dates back to 1890, and it was fascinating to see glimpses of the history of the church in Sweden since then.

Our investigator Erik has taught himself yoga for the past six years, and is incredibly good at it, so we had him teach us a little this week. Not going to lie, it was probably one of the more painful experiences I've had in a while, but they say it's good for you, so I guess I just need to do it more? All pain is good pain coach... Anyways, as we did yoga, Erik asked us a few questions about missionary life, and he was both surprised and impressed by our "strict" lifestyle. I told him that for me, it all comes down to the Atonement of Jesus Christ which was performed for all people regardless of who they are or what they've done. Such a miraculous act of love enables Him to fulfill the
Doing yoga with Erik
marvelous promise we read in Mosiah 2:22, "All that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you." He desires to bless us, and all we must do to receive His blessings is keep his commandments. There is therefore no greater work to be engaged in than to make His commandments known to all, so that they might also experience the richness of blessings I have experienced.

Äldste Sirrine
Exploring Gamla Stan


We visited the Army Museum for P-day today