Monday, April 1, 2019

April1, 2019 A Taste of China

Last week we found a store that sells American 
food and other items. I found this mug and realized 
I have this thought at least a couple times each day... 

The Clouses, a senior couple in the mission, reached 
their halfway mark on the mission and took us out to
 lunch to celebrate with them!

This week our ward had the baptism of an 8 year old boy, but the bishop was out of town for the week leading up to it, so we got to help the father with preparations for the baptism. The baptism was held directly after church and went really well. The spirit that was felt there was really neat, and the boys mother (who's not a member) attended and was certainly able to feel it.

Earlier in the week we were with a part member family from China, and the father is super close to being baptized. He knows he wants to be baptized but is just waiting for the feeling that it's the right
First signs of spring.
time. They just had a baby about three weeks ago, so we got to meet little Zoe and share a message about faith with them. The father has been reading the Book of Mormon daily for the past two months, and it's incredible to see the difference it's made in his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. There is real power that comes into our lives as we read it.

On Friday we were with another Chinese family and they prepared a huge Chinese meal for us, some of the food being importated directly from their family in China. It was absolutely incredible. The couple is an incredible example of faith. The husband had a great job working at a finance firm in
Our authentic Chinese dinner.
China, but they felt they needed to move to Sweden. They've now been working the last few years to learn a new language and culture while the his and has been trying to find work here. They have faced SoE incredible challenges, but they are some of the happiest and most gracious people I've met because of their faith in Christ. The other elders had an investigator there at dinner who we taught afterword, and regardless of what we said, the most powerful part was the testimony of these humble members.

Earlier in the week we were standing at the bus stop, and I felt impressed to pull out a copy of the Book of Mormon. The guy I sat down next to and started talking with was actually Christian with a strong faith, which hardly ever happens here, and I had the perfect opportunity to teach him about the Book of Mormon and its role in helping us strengthen our faith in Christ. He was interested in a book with such power and it was exactly what he needed. I may not know the people I meet or what they need, but I know the Savior knows each perfectly and is eager to reach out and lift them with loving hands through us as we follow the spirit in faith, being filled with love towards others.

Elder Sirrine