Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017 Toto, we're not in Sweden anymore...

I get to walk by this several times a day and it never gets old...
September 18, 2017

Okay first of all, I am still in Eskilstuna, Sweden, but it pretty much feels like I am in the Middle-East. The majority of people we teach and talk to on the street are actually from Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and this week I realized that they are pretty much my favorite people ever. Last Monday we unexpectedly went to Alan's house (one of our investigators) to teach him and he fed us this Syrian food he called Fatia. The food was amazing, and as we taught him we had him read out of the Book of Mormon. The problem was, we can't exactly read Arabic to well, so as we opened up to the scripture for him to read we would have to ask him what book/verse we were pointing at to make sure we had him read the right thing. After doing this for a little while he ended up teaching us how to count and read numbers in Arabic, as well as how to say a few basic phrases. Let's just say my mouth does not want to make those sounds, but It was actually a lot of fun to learn! He was a really good teacher, and whenever we would actually get something right he would get super excited. So here I am in Sweden, and now I have learned how to greet people and count in Arabic, who would have thought? The lesson went really well with him. He loves reading the Book of Mormon, and learning about the gospel, and is making real progress. It's amazing to see how much hope and comfort the gospel brings him at this time as his family is having really hard times back in Syria and Turkey.

We have been trying to work with the members, and this week we visited several of them. Throughout the lessons we would ask them to share with us their testimony of how the gospel has helped them in their lives. It was amazing to hear such powerful testimony borne by people who had not always had the gospel in their life. To hear the contrast of how their life was before, and how it is now, was incredibly powerful. Their faith is incredible, and while many people think the missionaries are the ones teaching, in all reality I was the one being taught. Our goal with visiting the members has been to get five referrals from each member. We helped them think of five people who would be blessed by the gospel, and then we helped them create a plan of how they can prepare them to meet the missionaries. Many of the people they thought of are not ready at this point, but as each member strives to share the light of the gospel, they will become ready. While we as missionaries look forward to opportunities to teach these people, the best part has been watching the members grow stronger as they do this. As they consider what the gospel has done for them, their desire to share that message has grown. As they have made plans and goals to share that message, they have gained a greater knowledge and understanding of the gospel, and their faith has increased.

Lunch at Fariba's 
On Saturday we were invited to Fariba's house for lunch. Fariba is a member who has recently moved in, and she has been one of the greatest blessings to the branch. She is from Iran and speaks both Persian and Swedish fluently and can translate for the Persian members in the branch. We have a ton of Persian members and investigators, and while they come to church, they have a hard time understanding. To have someone who can translate has been such a blessing. Fariba invited the sister missionaries, us, and about eight other Persian members (all from Iran) in the branch over for lunch and

The Persian food we had at Fariba's!
made a ton, like a ton, of authentic Persian food. This may or may not have been one of the greatest things that has happened to me on the mission so far... Okay not really, but I cannot express how good the food was. Even better than that was the chance to meet with the Persian members. They are the kindest, most giving, happiest people you have ever met, and they are super fun to be around, especially with the language barrier. There we were, a bunch of Americans and Iranians all meeting together in Sweden, trying to speak Swedish to each other, and it was one of the funnest things I have ever done. We read from the Book of Mormon together, in Persian, and gave each of them a copy to share with someone they know. While at times we struggled to communicate, Fariba was able to translate when needed, and they accepted the challenge to share the gospel with others. I pray and hope that as they do so we will bring even more Persian members into the branch, because they're seriously the best. Fariba has been such an inspiration to me. She used to live in Iran and her husband passed away from cancer, and shortly after her son was killed in Iraq, so she came to Sweden and has since blessed the lives of so many and is the happiest person I've met. I hope to have the same strength she has to meet adversity in my life.

After church on Sunday we had a lesson with Omar and his little brother Mohammed. They're both Muslims and it was interesting to learn a little bit more about Islam as we taught the Restoration of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. They committed to read the Book of Mormon, and I know that as they do, they will receive a witness of it's truth. Right after teaching Omar and Mohammed, we had our first lesson with Zain, who is in his twenties, and his from Syria. He was also Muslim, but not "active". He has seven siblings, who are all in Turkey right now, and his father passed away a few years ago. He is concerned for their safety and well being, and hopes they are able to make it Sweden. It was an incredible experience to teach him how the gospel blesses families, and how the Lord can help his family. We asked him to pray, and at first he didn't want to, but eventually he did so in Arabic. I couldn't understand the words he was saying, but it was the most powerful and sincere prayer I have ever heard. I know the Lord will answer him, and I am so grateful I was able to be part of the experience.

I am so grateful to be here in Eskilstuna, and for all the people I have had the chance of meeting. They have blessed my life more than I can say, and I love them with all my heart. There is a wonderful video on titled "Is there a place for me?" that has really touched me, and I would invite all to watch it. I know the Lord lives and he loves all of his children. What a blessing it is to be able to share his message of love with the world.

Äldste Sirrine

A really cool church we visited on P-day
In case you didn't think the other picture was real...