Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2016 Even cats can't stop us

Exchanges in Göteborg
This last week we traveled down to Göteborg for exchanges with the zone leaders. I was with Elder Tolman, and we got to teach a guy with 7 cats. I'm not going to lie, I thought the cats all looked exactly the same, but apparently he can tell the difference with no problem. I was enjoying the cats until one of them jumped onto the table and then onto me and grabbed on with its claws. It was just trying to play, but it's no longer fun and games when you struggle to get it off and then are left with holes in your white shirt... It's all good though, we managed to avoid the cats long enough to have a good lesson and were able to teach him about the plan of salvation.

On the way back from Göteborg they were doing some construction work on the train tracks between Karlstad and Göteborg, so we had to take a different train than normal. This also meant that we had to switch trains about halfway to Karlstad, and right as we got onto the next train a man came up to us
Kristinehamn, a small town 
a few of our members live in
and greeted us rather enthusiastically. He was a little too excited to just be a random person, and sure enough he turned out to be a member from the Stockholm area. The cool part is that the man we met, Bryte, was traveling with his brother in law, Michael, who is not a member, but they invited us to sit down and talk with them for the rest of the trip. Michael asked us a few questions and we ended up teaching him the entire restoration right there on the train. I was absoluetly blown away by how attentive he was and how much he understood. He was like a sponge. Towards the end of our conversation he looked at Bryte and said, "You've never made the church sound this good! I want one of these Book of Mormons so I can see for myself what it says." Bryte called the Elders in Stockholm right then and there and arranged for him to get a copy of the Book of Mormon in English as soon as they got back to Stockholm.

I've thought a lot about the power of Jesus Christ this week. He doesn't just leave us to wander alone in this life and then "save" us regardless of who we are are what we've done. To do so would
We visited a 200 year old farm and the Lady 
showed us around before we got to teach her
eliminate our agency and ultimately fail to fulfill the purpose of God. His goal is not just to take us from one place to another, but rather to help us become something. Regardless of our circumstances, He wants us to "act for ourselves, and not to be acted upon" (2 Ne 2:26). It may feel impossible to make a change, but "even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you." (Alma 32:27) Even if all you can do is want to change, seek His help and I testify he will make your "weak things become strong unto [you]". He will make it possible. I have experienced this and know with all my heart that He does so. He has all power to fulfill his promises and waits with open arms until we are ready to take the first step toward him.

Äldste Sirrine
Elder Karlsson and I by Vänern, the great lake