Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 3, 2018 Taking Spanish in Highschool Pays Off

The Endler family. 
Bishop Endler was called as the bishop about
a month ago, but he was only baptized two years 
ago. He's the best :)
This week was pretty much miracle after miracle, and I wish I could talk about it all, but I guess a few highlights will have to suffice.

On Wednesday I was on exchanges with Elder Olson here in Stockholm, and we were supposed to have dinner with one of our investigators, but he called us a few hours before and told us he had to cancel because of work. At first we were a little disappointed, and as we thought about how we might use our time effectively otherwise, we decided to go tracting in Larsberg. Tracting isn't quite as
exciting as teaching an investigator, but then the thought came clearly to mind that there was someone we were supposed to find in Larsberg. The thought was so clear that it surprised me a little bit, but we went out with eagerness to see who it would be. While tracting, we met a few people who said we could come back which was pretty exciting, but it was on the way home that we found the person we were looking for. We were sitting on a bench at the train stop when suddenly a woman came up to us and started speaking Spanish. She knew absolutely no Swedish or English, but somehow we were able to understand what she was saying to us. (Thank goodness I took Spanish in High School so the spirit had something to bring to rememberance...) As it turns out, she's a member, and has lived in Sweden for a few years, but didn't know where the church was due to the language barrier. She really wants to come, so we gave her phone number to the first counselor in the bishopric who comes from Peru. He's now talked with her several times, and will actually give her a ride to church so she can start coming.

On Friday evening we were out tracting in the rain, not having much success, when it came time to
Street contacting in Stockholm
head home. We looked down at the clock and decided we had 5 minutes left and decided we had time to knock another door or two. We knocked on the next door, and before we had even said a word, the man who opened it said, "It's raining! Come in!" We were both a little shocked, this was the first time I've ever actually been let in while tracting before, and we were pretty excited to be directed to his couch where his whole family was gathered. The man and his wife have two children, and they come from Syria, although they've been here three years, speak good Swedish, and he works as a teacher. After giving a brief summary of our message and what we do, we asked if we could come back the next day to teach them more and they happily agreed. We went back the next morning and were able to teach them about the Book of Mormon and how they can come to know it's message by reading. They were very interested, so we got them started reading and look forward to meeting them again and teaching them further.

Äldste Sirrine

We went to visit Jesper, and it turns 
out they have Blackberry bushes 
with the biggest, sweetest berries 
you have ever seen. 
It was seriously amazing.
This is my favorite dog in all of 
Stockholm. His name is Timmy. 
We see him often, and have to pet 
him every time because he's so cute.

There are apple trees everywhere here, so you never go hungry while tracting!