Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19, 2018 Find the one

The ocean inlet right by our apartment

We had zone conference this last week which was pretty incredible, and as President Youngberg was speaking, I was filled with a deep love for him. President Youngberg got to Sweden just one transfer before I did, so I've had the privilege of seeing how much the mission has changed over the last year and a half. When I got to Sweden, the mission was incredibly hardworking, but somewhat mechanical or robotic in it's approach. Well, that's not how President Youngberg works. I still recall in my very first zone conference President was up talking and then suddenly stopped. He said that there were two different directions he could take his message, and he was trying to listen to the spirit to know which one he should take. It's a moment I've never forgotten, and now I have countless others that illustrate this overarching quality in President Youngbergs character that has now become one shared by the mission. This zone conference we received more training and focused on how we can more powerfully testify to people we meet and invite them to learn about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

On Tuesday I had the chance to go on exchanges with Elder Thompson. He's in the same group as Elder Bills (there's only three in the whole group) so it was awesome to get to know him and get an idea of how Elder Bills is doing out there. We had a great day planned with three lessons and a member meal, but that morning all three lessons canceled. We figured that if three lessons had canceled, there was somebody out there the Lord really wanted us to find. We did a lot of finding work that day, and then we went to the member meal an hour early so we could tract beforehand. While we were tracting, we ended up finding a man named Tobias who said we could come back on Tuesday at 5:00 to talk about eternal families, and we also found a young couple with their son who said we could come back on Tuesday as well. We then went to the members house for dinner, and she had to reschedule as well... Literally everything we had planned that day fell through, but we have never been happier because we found the ones the Lord wanted us to find. Plus, we ended up going to back to the apartment at the end of the night and making quinoa salad together to top it all off :)

Äldste Sirrine
Doing service for our branch president. He bought his 
truck in Ireland, so the steering wheel is on the right side. 
Man, that caught me off guard the first time.