Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Thanksgiving Miracles

The house our branch president is renovating
Stacking firewood

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did :) We were able do some service with our branch president by stacking cut down trees into a pile for firewood. They bought a 150 year old house out in the woods to renovate, so it's only source of heat is a wood-burning stove. We also had dinner with a member family that evening, and the dad is American! They're vegetarian though, so that is probably the only time in my life I'll have a vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner... It also wasn't really Thanksgiving themed, so we had soup instead! However, root bear doesn't exist here (all the Swedes that have tried it think it tastes like toothpaste for some reason...), but they got their hands on some and we made root bear floats to celebrate!

On Friday we got to fly down to Stockholm to go on exchanges. I was with Elder Steele, one of the assistants to the mission president, and we saw some amazing miracles together. We decided to go
Getting on the plane 
to Stockholm
out and visit someone the missionaries had previously taught, and the bus ride was approximately 30 minutes each way. When we went to get on the bus, we realized that we had forgotten to get a bus card for me from the mission office, so we tried to pay on the bus. The bus driver informed us that we couldn't pay on the bus, but he said I could stay on anyways. We were a bit surprised, but we decided to go for it. We were able to visit the person we had decided to go by, tract a building in the area, and talk to a few people on the street before we needed to head back to the apartment. The only problem was, I still didn't have a bus card.

While we waited at the bus stop, we said a prayer together and asked for a way home. When the bus came, we explained our situation to the bus driver, and he said we could pay via their app. We attempted to do so, but the transaction wouldn't work, so the bus driver told us not to worry about it and to enjoy the ride! Now, it may sound like the bus drivers in Stockholm are all just nice guys who don't really care too much, but it's quite the opposite. I've been on my fair share of buses there, and I can't tell you how many time I've seen people try to pay on the bus and the driver simply left them on the curb... It was truly an answer to our prayer and a miracle in every sense. The Lord needed us in that area, and while on those two bus rides, we were able to invite a total of seven people to learn more about the gospel, two of which accepted and scheduled appointments to do so. I know that the Lord truly answers our prayers.

On Saturday Elder Steele and I were able to do some tracting, and before going out to do so, I had a clear picture of a woman of a woman holding a child in her arms come to mind. We knew the Lord wanted us to find her, so we went out knowing we would. After tracting for a while, we knocked on a door and a lady opened the door holding her dog. It wasn't exactly a child, but we both knew it was the lady we were supposed to find. As we began talking to her, we found out she's American, and comes from a town just five minutes from where Elder Steele lived in Texas. She also told us it was a shame that her daughter wasn't home, because her school class is studying religion, and she had chosen to study about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They had seen the Book of Mormon Musical, and she was curious what we actually believe. We asked her if we could come back and teach them just that, and she was excited to accept our offer. They were also celebrating Thanksgiving that day, and she had made miniature pumpkin pies, so she gave us each one to try! It's an incredible privilege to be a part of the Lord's work and witness the might miracles He still performs today.

Äldste Sirrine
Decorating the mission office 
while we were there :)
We were tracting and came across 
a house where we had to climb a 
ladder to get to the front door.