Sunday, February 17, 2019

February 11, 2019 Juggling missionary work and walnuts at the same time

Proof I can Juggle

This is what our drive into town everyday looks like :)

Missionary work is a constant balance of finding new people to teach while teaching and serving those you already have. It's something I've been juggling since day one in Sweden, but this week I juggled something I never thought I would. Yes, I juggled walnuts.

Super quick background to all this; when we were at a members house on Christmas, he gave us some juggling balls and taught us the basics of juggling. Well, since then I've discovered a real like for juggling and even learned how to juggle under my leg and behind my back. This last Monday we were at a family's house for family home evening, and they started by asking if anybody had any talents they'd like to share, as they do every week. Well, the family was tired of seeing each other's talents, so they turned to us... I mentioned I could juggle, but I didn't have any juggling balls, so one of the sons handed me three walnuts (thankfully still in the shell) and told me I could use them. Apparently God can even help us juggle, because somehow I was able to juggle three walnuts and throw in a few tricks which really made their night.

On Tuesday an hour north to meet the Skellefteå elders half way between Umeå and Skellefteå for exchanges. We saw a bunch of reindeer on the way, so I can now say it feels like Scandinavia for

A couple weeks ago we got to teach a man by the name of Erik, and we taught him again this week. The lesson was scheduled for Friday, and we got a call from him on Thursday evening. I'm not going to lie, we were a little scared he would cancel the lesson, but he just told us that he had lost the card marking the chapter he was supposed to read and wanted us to remind him what it was. We reminded him to read Mosiah 3 (GREAT chapter by the way, would totally recommend), and when we came on Friday he told us that he had read to Mosiah 6 and started showing us his favorite parts :) He reads humbly and asks sincerely, so I know the Lord will give him the answer he's seeking for.

Äldste Sirrine
We've had a lot of opportunity to shovel snow :) #goodexercise
Going to a member's house for lunch