Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April 29, 2019 Missionary! Look at me!

The farm

It's been an incredible week! One of the highlights was going up to visit a member who lives an hour and a half away from Karlstad. He and his family own a farm there, and amazingly they come actively to church despite the long distance to travel each week. We got to spend the day on Saturday helping them on their farm and were able to help him repair an old tractor from the '70s. It felt really nice to get in touch with my redneck side and see some livestock again. Two of the little girls, who are 3 and five years old worked along side us and whenever they had something to show me they would simply say, "Missionär! Titta på mig!" ("Missionary! Look at me!"). It was pretty fun to have
The drive out to the farm.
someone who wants to get the missionaries attention instead of just avoiding eye contact as we walk toward them on the street. I'm convinced after driving through the Swedish countryside that Sweden is the most beautiful country in the world. I really can't even describe how beautiful and green the plains are, surrounded by crystal blue lakes and forested hills as far as you can see. It's absolutely breathtaking.

Our mission president had been encouraging us to teach more lessons and we've been doing our very best to do so. On Wednesday we had a goal to teach 4 lessons, but as 6 pm rolled around we had only taught two. We had a plan to visit a lady who Elder Olson had given a Book of Mormon to last transfer, so we went out to that area and knocked on her door. We weren't able to go inside, but we talked with her on her doorstep and she told us about a severe injure she had a few years back from which she still experiences pain daily. Just that morning I had been studying in Alma 40:23 which talks about the resurrection and had marked it in a book of Mormon to share with someone that day. I opened directly to that verse and read it to her after explaining how I had felt that morning that someone needed to hear it. She was touched by a message delivered by a stranger but seemingly tailored directly for her.

Directly after teaching her, we knocked on a few of her neighbors doors. One of the neighbors was sitting outside, so we started talking to her and I had also studied about prayer in my study that morning, so we told her that she had a Father in Heaven who wants to communicate with her through prayer and asked her if she had ever tried praying before. She hadn't, and there were two empty chairs beside her calling to us, so we asked if we could sit down and teach her how to pray. A little surprised, she accepted our offer and we got to teach her right then how to pray and invite her to do so. We can't afford to forget how precious prayer is. It can easily become routine or taken for granted, but in all reality it is our lifeline, a direct communication with an all powerful God who created us, knows us, and loves us. I can testify that it was a direct answer to our our prayers that day that we were able to teach two new people, and that God had not only prepared them to hear it but had also prepared us to share what they needed to hear.

Äldste Sirrine 
For P-day today we went to the coast of Vänern, 
a great lake here in Sweden about 5 times the size
 of the Great Salt Lake. 
This is my view as I write this email.

Drive out to the farm...Sorry for the poor quality 
pictures. It doesn't do it justice.