Monday, October 8, 2018

October 1, 2018 Timmy Never Faileth

We definitely had some of the best service of my entire mission on Thursday. We were coming home for the night and it was raining, so we were completely soaked. As we entered our apartment building, we were surprised to see our neighbor walking out of the elevator with a raincoat and boots, accompanied by no other than my favorite dog Timmy! We of course took the opportunity to pet him and talk to our neighbor (like we do every time), and she said, "Yeah it's not so fun to have a dog when you have to take them out in the rain..." I told her we have legitimately debated knocking on their door and asking to borrow Timmy for a few minutes before, and that we'd love to take him out right then. She laughed a little bit, but we said we were actually serious, so she let us take him for a walk! It was raining pretty good, but nothing could diminish the excitement of getting to play with Timmy a bit. When we brought him back, she told us how grateful she was and said we could take him any time we want :) Each time we talk to our neighbor she asks us a few more questions about missionary work, so eventually we'll have taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ all thanks to Timmy!

One of the great miracles we witnessed this week was the opportunity to attend Joy's baptism in Gubbängen with our investigator Gabriel. We invited him to the service, and he said he'd like to
Joy, baptized in Gubbängen on Thursday

come, and then just 5 minutes later he called us back and asked if he could invite his friend, Maylene, because she wanted to see how it works. We got to meet her at the service, and she's incredible. She was born in the Philippines, and her husband was born in Germany, but they have now lived in Sweden for 2 years. She was originally part of another church, but she stopped going to church here in Sweden because her husband was offended by the priest. She says her faith has declined dramatically over the last two years, so we asked if she'd like to build her faith back up. She sighed as she responded that she really wants to, but she doesn't know how. We took the opportunity to teach her about the Book of Mormon, which she really liked, and then we gave her a copy and set up a time to meet this week and teach her more. The baptism service also allowed us to show her around the church, teach her about the covenant of baptism, and enabled her to feel the spirit. Teaching someone who has the desire to build their faith is one of the most incredible experiences, and I look forward to seeing the change in her life as her faith in Christ grows.

Saturday was another day which we know was completely directed by the spirit and an absolute miracle. We had a great day with three lessons planned, but when Saturday morning came, all three
Henrik and Jonas
called us and rescheduled for next week. We were a little bummed at first, but as we called a few people that morning we decided to call Henrik and see how his reading of the Book of Mormon was going. As we talked to him, he mentioned nonchalantly that he was moving the same day, so we jumped on that and offered our help to him. He was incredibly relieved to have some extra help, and told us that he would have a couple other friends there as well. Elder Radford and I knew right then that God wanted us to meet those friends, and had arranged for us to do so, which meant the only question left was who these people are. Although not knowing exactly what the future held, we were excited to meet them, and as we helped Henrik move we got some time to do so. As it turns out, one of his friends, Jonas, is a serious rock climber who took fourth place in the national championship last year, and the other, Alex, already knew a little bit about our church and was impressed by it. Both of them want to meet again to learn more, so we definitely look forward to that :)

Äldste Sirrine  
Our ward had a cake competition, 
so we decided to enter :)
District Council over Skype