Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018 Flowers!

 Temple flowers

Well, I don't have much time to write today because Elder Radford and I will be going to the temple tomorrow! Our mission president has said that we can only go to the temple if we live within an hour
Planting flowers at the temple
of it, and we can only go once every sixth months. However, Elder Radford hasn't been to the temple in the last sixth months, so I feel incredibly fortunate that I can go with him tomorrow, even though I've been fairly recently.

Speaking of the temple, on Thursday we got to go to the temple and help plant 7,000 flowers! It was an incredible experience to serve alongside about 30 other missionaries and spend some time on the temple grounds. It's always fun to see other missionaries, but I was definitely surprised to arrive and see my trainer, Elder Wilkinson, and my "son", Elder Bills, there (they are currently companions on the island of Gotland)! They had zone conference the day before and had to stay an extra day in Stockholm because of ferry issues, so I got to see them again! It's been a long time since I've seen Elder Wilkinson, and he's going home at the end of the transfer, so I never thought I'd actually get to see him again.

As it turns out, planting flowers was also great preparation for General conference. I couldn't help but feel a much greater appreciation for all the work that goes into the beautiful arrangement of flowers behind the speaker I usually fail to spend much time admiring ;) General Conference this weekend was powerful. For all of you who saw it, I'd encourage you to continue studying their talks over the coming months. For any who haven't, I'd encourage you to claim the revelation and guidance the Lord wants to give you by listening to the message of his servants. We were able to watch it with several of our investigators at the homes of different members, and last night we were able to watch the Sunday Morning session live at the mission home with President and Sister Youngberg. What an incredible experience it was to watch general conference with the people who hold some of my greatest love and respect.

Äldste Sirrine

Splits with Elder Ahonen

My släkt (family)! Elder Wilkinson and Elder Bills.